GSO will hold its first session of pre-selections for admission - GSO

GSO will hold its first session of pre-selections for admission

Monday 02 January 2017

On Sunday, January 22nd, GSO will hold its first session of pre-selections for admission to the International School of Talent.

From 15:00 to 17:00 on Sunday, January 22nd, during Open Day on the Brandolini Rota campus, Gentium Schola Opitergium will hold  its  first pre-selection session.

Applicants will attend an interview in English with the Head of Admissions, answering questions which assess their level of English and presenting themselves, their interests and their motivation for pursuing an international education.

Book your pre-selection interview; send your request via email to:

We will contact you to answer any questions and to provide you with  all the necessary information to participate.

While students are  engaged in these activities, parents will have the opportunity to speak with the School Staff and the Director Giordano Casonato about any questions they might have.

On that day, the staff will also be available for anyone interested in more information or who would like to take the opportunity to book an interview for  one of the future dates.

Don’t miss this opportunity. We look forward to greeting you on January 22nd.